Lose weight with protein? - High protein makes you slim and strong





What makes the protein diet the ideal diet

Many diets promise quick success. However, those who want to lose weight or build up muscles permanently are often disappointed: hunger, bad mood and the dreaded yo-yo effect quickly set in with many diets.

Those who want to be slim and feel good in the long term are well advised to follow a protein diet. It can be easily integrated into everyday life, provides fast results and ensures well-being: After only a short time, the pounds melt away and you build strong muscles.

What is different with the protein diet?

Diet thesis no. 1: "During a diet you are flabby and tired ..."

That's not true. With a high-protein diet you stay active and in a good mood. Because protein satiates well and lasts much longer than carbohydrates. The blood sugar level remains constant and you are spared from ravenous hunger attacks.

Diet thesis no. 2: "The body switches to low heat during weight loss"

Only if you're hungry. And that's not very desirable on a protein diet. Here you can enjoy valuable, protein-rich foods that you can combine in a variety of ways. Fat burning is stimulated "as a side effect". Instead of running on a low flame, the body needs a lot of energy to utilise the protein. Thus, the metabolism is active over a longer period of time and the body's own fat reserves are tapped in order to gain energy. If you also do sport, the effect is even stronger.

Diet thesis no. 3: "In the end there is always the yo-yo effect"

Remain optimistic. The chances are very good that you will permanently integrate a protein-rich diet into your diet. With High-Protein, you cover your daily energy requirements mainly with proteins, while fats and carbohydrates hardly ever make it onto your plate. This is easy to "learn" and easy to integrate into your everyday life. You stay full for a long time, quickly see the results of weight loss and are active and powerful. The gut feeling is right, and the head also plays along easily.

What are the advantages of a High Protein diet?

A high protein diet is ideal for losing weight, but is also very suitable for athletes. Because proteins are important energy suppliers and nourish the muscles. They are also essential for bones, organs, hormones and the immune system.

  • The muscle breakdown is prevented.
  • The muscle building is supported.
  • Fat burning is increased.
  • You will be full for a long time.
  • They eat healthy and tasty food.
  • They do not have to count calories.
  • No yo-yo effect, less ravenous appetite attacks.

Which foods have a particularly high protein content?

Start the day with curd cheese and fresh wild berries, enjoy a crisp, high-protein chickpea salad with walnuts at lunchtime, followed by salmon medallion with mustard vegetables in the evening ... Does this menu sound like a diet? We don't think so. Losing weight can taste so good.

Animal protein Vegetable protein
  • Lean meat - e.g. beef, turkey, chicken
  • Fish - e.g. tuna and salmon
  • Eggs - preferably only the egg white
  • Low-fat yoghurt, low-fat quark, cottage cheese
  • Protein powder
  • Oatmeal
  • Tofu
  • Soybeans, lentils, quinoa, lupins
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Fruit with low sugar content such as berries, apricots, oranges

Our tips for the High Protein Diet

Just don't get too one-sided: An (almost) exclusively protein-rich diet is only advisable for a short period of time if you want to lose weight or build muscles. In the long term, you should eat a higher-protein diet and also eat complex carbohydrates, e.g. from whole grain products, and healthy fats, e.g. omega-3 fatty acids in fish.

To prevent deficiency symptoms, it is important that you eat a balanced diet. Eat often, about every 3 to 4 hours, so that the metabolism remains active. In the evening you could drink a protein shake to boost fat burning during the night.


Protein shakes - Only something for bodybuilders?

No, protein shakes are also useful for ambitious athletes or people who want to lose weight. The advantage: After an intensive workload, athletes can supply their body with targeted and fast proteins for regeneration. The protein shakes consist almost exclusively of pure protein, are quickly ready to eat and are available in delicious flavours. People who want to lose weight can replace a whole meal with one shake.


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Pictures: © istock / Bobex-73, © istock / JulijaDmitrijeva, © istock / djiledesign

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